Congrats to Liz (2nd from left) for graduating from the Hem/Onc fellowship program!! The fellows all seem so grown up….

We are all so sad to see the four super techs moving on, but they seem so happy to leave.🤔

An axe to grind

Farewell to Megan, Josephine, Susie and Talla!

Marit is moving on to start her own group. The picture is lying. We are all sad, really, we are!!

Aoi is moving on. After she just learned how to open a bottle of champagne (see pic to the right)

Enough to drink?

Being bowled over

This bottle deserved to be decapitated in honor of Aoi’s thesis defense!

Enough to drink?

Peng’s last lab meeting before moving on to start his own lab :-(

Sky high

Still not enough to drink?

Scott, the perfect host

Epigenetics gone wrong